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2015 press featured & awarded

{Click} Style - Inspiring Lifestyle Photography, 'Little Moments' Theme

February 26, 2015


Childhood memory, as life itself, is made up of all the gorgeous, irretrievable little moments - like chasing the setting sun in a pumpkin patch. The stuff of dreams and fairytales, and so ephemeral, this. Captured, though, it is a memory forever to be re-lived and treasured. I am absolutely thrilled {Click} Style chose to feature on for their 'Little Moments' theme!


Click 'Read more' below to see the words of love it received from {Click} Style, as well as all the other great art featured.


Chic Critique - LOVE | Wednesday Winners

February 11, 2015


I am absolutely in love with this LOVE portrait I was privileged to have captured at my very first offbeat wedding session, and incredibly honored that it made me a WINNER for Chic Critique's LOVE# theme!


The bride's family fairytale back yard set the perfect backdrop for this unforgettable post-vow kiss ~ a winning love portrait. See all the gorgeous captures from these two gorgeous lovebirds' entire offbeat wedding love story on my 'art: of love and life' wedding page titled 'everlasting love.'


Click 'Read more' below to see the feature and the other two Wednesday Winners for Chic Critique's LOVE# theme.

Euphoric Capture Featured Photographers - 'Soulful' Theme

February 6, 2015


SUPER EXCITED to be featured 'Top Ten Photographer' on Euphoric Capture as their for their 'Soulful' theme. Such an honor to be featured amongst such great other photographers.


I captured this soulful sunset portrait of my daughter this past summer on a gorgeous end of summer evening, after a long day at the beach at Sunken Meadow Park on Long Island, New York.


Click 'Read more' below to see all the great Euphoric Capture Top Ten Photographer featured artists for the 'Soulful Theme'.

Fantastically Flawed - 'Darkness' Theme

February 25, 2015


It was a very dark summer night in Pennsylvania. And it was the very first day I got to shoot with my brand spankin' new 50mm fixed lens! I was ready to capture some magic. Or at least I had hoped. As we (finally) got the fire going, the shooting flames were the only source of light on this star-les night. So beautiful, to be in such complete darkness, and to become aglow in the light of the fire, as though infused with fire ourselves. And here she was, my daughter, magic. Captured with natural light only, on slow shutter speed - in the darkness, fiery flames herself.


Thanks to Fantastically Flawed for featuring my portrait of my daughter, in Darkenss. Click 'Read more' below to see the feature and the other gorgeous work.


Exposure Award - SeeMe Exhibition, Musee du Louvre Paris

July 13, 2015


SeeMe Exhibitions

Dear Andreea B. Ballen,It's been an honor to show your photography as part the Fifth Annual Exposure Award. The work of this year’s project has been extraordinary, viewed by over five million photo enthusiasts from around the world. Additionally, your photograph was included in a digital display of images presented at the Exposure Award Reception at the Louvre.

Your photography was included in the Portraiture Collection & the Body Collection
and was presented at a private reception at hosted at:

Musee du Louvre
75058 Paris - France
July 13th, 2015

Photography holds power. The act of taking a photo acts as a historical marker and a capture of time. Just as archaeologists offer hypotheses about ancient societies based on cave paintings, historians of the future will base their conjectures about us on the photography that is happening at this very moment, including yours.As technology makes our world more interconnected, the act of creation has become a universal language and a vital conversation. Your photography, represented at the Fifth Annual Exposure Award reception is a thrilling contribution to that dialogue.It's been an honor to have your work included. Thank you for sharing your photography with us and with the world.


William Etundi Jr.
Founder of SeeMe


Happiest Mommy - 'A Father's Day Challenge'

June 20, 2015


I know I say this alot, but I am ALWAYS honored and humbled when others recognize and appreciate my work. Imagine how much so I felt when Happiest Mommy wanted to collaborate with me, and use one of my images of real life mom, friend and artist Natalie Arneson from her anniversary session with me, for the Happiest Mommy Father's Day feature?


                    to head on over to my Blog and see Natalie & Kent's gorgeous anniversary love session. Don't forget to also click 'Read more' below to check out the Happiest Mommy Father's Day Challenge article and my photo feature.


Euphoric Capture Featured Photographers,  TOP HONORS, 'Creepy Beautiful' Theme

November 6, 2015


For those who know me, it comes as no surprise that I love the Gothic dark as much as I love the beautiful, nor is it surprising that Halloween is one of my favorite times of year, when both of those dualities can be embraced at once. And so this moment aligned, my beautiful princess daughter and this dark menacing carrion bird - at the New York Renaissance Festival in Tuxedo Park, NY - captured with my camera's phone.


Beyond thankful to be featured amongts such crazy talented artists, blown away to be awarded TOP HONORS for the Euphoric Capture Inspiration for Photographers' 'Creepy Beautiful' theme. Click on the image or on 'Read More' below to see all the other stunning images.

Happiest Mommy - 'A Father's Day Challenge'

June 20, 2015


I know I say this alot, but I am ALWAYS honored and humbled when others recognize and appreciate my work. Imagine how much so I felt when Happiest Mommy wanted to collaborate with me, and use one of my images of real life mom, friend and artist Natalie Arneson from her anniversary session with me, for the Happiest Mommy Father's Day feature?


                    to head on over to my Blog and see Natalie & Kent's gorgeous anniversary love session. Don't forget to also click 'Read more' below to check out the Happiest Mommy Father's Day Challenge article and my photo feature.


The Golden Mama - Exploring Light and the Magic of the (Everyday) Moment Through Photography with Andreea B. Ballen Photography

July 13, 2015

I am the luckiest of the luckies! From being featured at the Louvre, to my beginnings in photography, all in one day! Click 'read more' below to head on over to The Golden Mama blog to find out more about me (yes, I am a little dorky and alot wordy), my beginnings in photography, and what inspires and drives my love for capturing the magic moments of the every day through photography and photographs.



andreea b. ballen photography |

                                                           Brooklyn NYC & Long Island NY child photographer, NYC & Long Island NY family photographer,  NYC & Long Island NY couple photographer |


delivering a boutique, full-service experience & professional print, heirloom wall art, albums, & other photo keepsakes editorial-inspired. on-location. natural light. creative lifestyle. portrait photography


serving NYC'S brooklyn, manhattan, queens, bronx, staten island, long island (including Manhassett, Muttontown, Laurel Hollow, Locust Valley, Oyster Bay, etc); westchester (including Larchmont, Sterling Ridge, North Castle, Scarsdale, Greenhaven, etc)  select areas of new jersey & connecticut                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ©andreea burciu-ballen 2014 - 2018 | all rights reserved

Brooklyn, NY  |  | 917.428.7440


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