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Our gorgeous, highest quality hand-picked line of exclusive professional prints & product offerings is an integral part of your customized boutique experience, and it is just one of the elements of your full-service experience we pride ourselves on. Clients simply love the unique heirloom items that beautifully showcase their images, from albums and books and folio boxes, gift and fine art prints to metal prints, acrylics, canvases, framed prins, and more. And while a few examples are shown below, you will have the opportunity to personally view the wide range of offerings in person at our in-person pre-session consultationClick here to schedule yours today.

andreea b. ballen photography |

                                                           Brooklyn NYC & Long Island NY child photographer, NYC & Long Island NY family photographer,  NYC & Long Island NY couple photographer |


delivering a boutique, full-service experience & professional print, heirloom wall art, albums, & other photo keepsakes editorial-inspired. on-location. natural light. creative lifestyle. portrait photography


serving NYC'S brooklyn, manhattan, queens, bronx, staten island, long island (including Manhassett, Muttontown, Laurel Hollow, Locust Valley, Oyster Bay, etc); westchester (including Larchmont, Sterling Ridge, North Castle, Scarsdale, Greenhaven, etc)  select areas of new jersey & connecticut                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ©andreea burciu-ballen 2014 - 2018 | all rights reserved

Brooklyn, NY  |  | 917.428.7440


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